Teaching: 90 min
Exercises: 5 minQuestions
What are databases and how do I use them.
Understand the difference between SQLlite database and data frames
Commit database to GitHub
by Katja Seltmann with excerpts from Software Carpentry SQLite lesson.
Supplementary Material:
#Goal of this lesson
Getting started where we left off…
mammals <- read.csv("mammal_stats.csv", header=TRUE)
TIP: When you load sqldf you also load the packages RSQLite and DBI by default. DBI allows us to work in R directly with a database manager software, and RSQLite package that lets us create SQLite databases.
#Create a SQLite database
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname="Mammaldb.sqlite")
TIP: Look inside the workshop/sqldf folder. What do you see?
Create a table manually
dbSendQuery(conn = db,
(TaxonOrder TEXT,
species TEXT,
length NUMERIC,
range NUMERIC,
litterSize NUMERIC)")
TIP: SQLite supports TEXT, NUMERIC, INTEGER, REAL, BLOB data types.
Reading database tables
dbListFields(db, "Mammal")
Insert a single record
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname=”Mammaldb.sqlite”)
dbSendQuery(conn = db,"insert into Mammal values ('Primates','New primate-2', 55.00,'',134,2)")
sqldf(c("insert into Mammal values ('Primates','New primate', 55.00,'',134,2)","select * from Mammal"), dbname = "Mammaldb.sqlite")
Select from database using sqldf and SQLite syntax
sqldf("SELECT * FROM Mammal limit 10", dbname = "Mammaldb.sqlite")
dbReadTable(db, "Mammal")
Drop database table
dbRemoveTable(db, "Mammal")
remember: we have a data frame called mammals.
mammals <- read.csv("mammal_stats.csv", header=TRUE)
Insert the data frame into the database
dbWriteTable(conn = db, name = "Mammalcsv", value = mammals, row.names = TRUE)
dbReadTable(db, "Mammalcsv")
Write query from database to data frame
results <- dbGetQuery(db, "SELECT species, avg(litter_size) FROM Mammalcsv GROUP BY species;")
SQL in R functions
db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), "Mammaldb.sqlite")
getName <- function(orderName) {
query <- paste0("SELECT `order` || '-' || species FROM Mammalcsv WHERE `order` =='",orderName, "';")
return(dbGetQuery(db, query))
print(paste("species:", getName('Tubulidentata')))
Disconnect at the end. Important if you have multiple transactions happening in an R script
Key Points
Databases work better when your data gets bigger, but you can do the same tasks in data frames or databases.